books and publications

  • Latin American Poetry

    The anthology includes many divergent poetries, that may present readers with new and controversial perspectives. A work that documents the collective interest in language that has shaped the course of Latin American poetry for the past five hundred years.

  • Jose Lezama Lima

    Lezama's work has been read for his dedicated efforts to develop a foundational view of Latin American culture. It is in his poetry where his proposed tension between we as readers are able to recognize as familiar and what we are out to discover achieves the highest intensity.

  • Geografias imaginarias

    Desde los primerios viajeros que visitaron la Patagonia hasta ensayistas argentinos como William Henry Hudson Geografías Imaginarias analiza las diferentes narrativas que influyeron en el mito patagónico a la vez que explora el impacto que la literatura de viaje ha tenido en la formación de la argentina como nación.

  • The Xul Reader

    This reader of texts originally published in XUL: Old and New Sign is the extension of a series of exchanges and meetings that under the name Poetics of the Americas took place in Buffalo, New York and Princeton in 1994. Together with the digital edition of XUL and 5 + 5 The XUL Reader is the third component of this archival project.

  • Charles Olson Poemas

    Charles Olson, uno de los poetas claves en la poesía norteamericana de la segunda mitad del siglo XX anticipa también lo que hoy pensamos como una poética de las Américas. Primera traducción al castellano en colaboración con Jorge Santiago Perednik.

  • The Essay Film

    Examining the essay film and its dialogic, fluid nature, the volume explores the potential of the essayist to question and reflect on all forms of cinema. From Dziga Vertov, Chris Marker, Nicolás Guillén Landrián, Pier Paolo Pasolini, Chantal Akerman and Jean-Luc Godard to Nanni Moretti, Mohammed Soueid, Claire Denis and Terrence Malick, among others.

  • Evolving Images

    With critical essays by leading scholars from Latin America, the United States, Europe, and Israel, this is the first volume devoted to Jewish filmmaking and films with Jewish themes and characters in Latin America. Includes a book chapter on Alberto Salomón's experimental films.

  • La Fuga

    Dossier especial sobre Nicolasito Guillén Landrían editado por Julio Ramos y Dylon Robbins. El dossier incluye entre otros artículos:

    Los archivos de Guillén Landrián
    Cine, poesía y disonancia
    Julio Ramos
    Primavera 2013

    Nicolasito's Way
    Los sinuosos caminos de la estética revolucionaria
    Ernesto Livon-Grosman
    Primavera 2013

    Los del baile
    Pueblo, producción, performance
    Dylon Robbins
    Primavera 2013

  • Paisagem Narrativa

    This collection of essays brings together the reflections of researchers who explore the transformations the Landscape as a genre has undergone in different media. In photographic essays, experimental videos. films snf installations, landscapes redirect our perception by recreating the geographies in which they are inscribed.

digitalization projects

  • ailleurs I

    Edited by Uruguayan artist Carmelo Arden Quin during the 1960s ailleurs is a journal dedicated to experimental writing that worked as a point of convergence for South American and European artists interested in the intersection of writing and the visual arts. Please see MADI in videos.

  • Un nuevo verso argentino

    The XULdigital website serves as the digital edition of the journal XUL: Old and New Sign, which was first published in Argentina in the early 1980s. The original XUL provided a space for literary and political expression despite the hostile environment created by a military dictatorship that had used censorship as one of the State's key instrument of terror.